Delemar Industrial Group is a leading provider of high-quality aluminum and glass products

With over 44 years of experience in the industry. With a team of 2000 employees, we operate 6 factories exporting to more than 24 countries, providing innovative solutions for all your aluminum and glass needs.

Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped to produce 3000 molds per year, 70,000 tons of aluminum profiles annually, and 20,000 tons of powder coating, ensuring our products meet the highest quality and durability standards. Additionally, we have the capacity to produce 300,000 units of tempered glass, offering a wide range of options for both residential and commercial applications.

Countries Exporting To

Company Statement

At our company, we’re passionate about the future. We believe in creating a vision of modernization and development that starts from the ground up, empowering our individual workers and equipping them with the best equipment to produce the highest quality products for our customers around the world.

Our dedication to expansion and growth has led us to develop a philosophy of designing products that are perfectly tailored to the needs of our customers, both in Egypt and beyond. We’re constantly adapting to changing lifestyles and demands, and our diverse range of services reflects our commitment to meeting the unique needs of every customer.

We’re especially proud of our special systems in Delemar, which have quickly become a go-to choice for customers who demand the very best. But we’re not content to rest on our laurels – we’re constantly expanding and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, driven by creative energy and a culture that puts customer satisfaction first. At the end of the day, it’s all about passion. We’re passionate about quality, innovation, and creating products that truly make a difference. And we’re excited to share that passion with you, as we continue to build a brighter future for our company and our customers alike.

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